Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Emoticon Fun

This is one of my favorite emoticons:


Especially after the day Sweetie actually made that face for real, saying something to the effect of "Does anyone actually do that?". Now we do it all the time, and laugh and laugh. Try it sometime, seriously. Giggles!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


It happened again!

Petunia investigated:

Oh, pretty wrapping!

It's the All-Clad 3 Qt Steamer Set!

Thanks, J & A & A! We can't wait to steam things.

It was not as interesting for kitty, but she still shows no sign of being tired of the Crate & Barrel packing materials that she lounges around in all day, every day.

Monday, September 7, 2009


This wedding stuff has taken an exciting turn. On Friday, I came home to THIS:

I could barely wait to get it open. We had some fun for a minute trying to guess who the early bird was - I guessed S & D, because they had registered at Crate & Barrel for their wedding and it just seems like S. to be on top of things, like sending a gift early so you don't have to lug it with you from San Diego. But actually, it was from Sweetie's friends T & D, who sent us two sets of the Aspen dinnerware we had registered for. Now we have 8 sets of matching plates/mugs/salad plates/bowls, instead of just a mishmash of our unmatched stuff carried over from our previous lives! Nice.

Bonus!!! It turned out to be a treat for kitty, as well. She spent the better part of the weekend ensconced in packing materials. We're leaving it out until she tires of it.