The Ugly Truth - Ugh. A week after seeing this movie, I both can't remember it and also kind of can't stop thinking about it. I can't remember it because there was absolutely nothing memorable about it - nothing funny or touching. Yet I also can't stop thinking about how Hollywood really just cranks out a lot of pointless drivel, and this movie is a perfect example of that. I'm also not a big Katherine Heigl fan, which doesn't help (I am so not one of those girls who's all into Grey's Anatomy).
Funny People - Good movie. Seth Rogan is thinner. He's still likeable, though. I think the last Adam Sandler movie I saw was The Wedding Singer, and it's weird to see him being rather serious and morose, and kind of a jerk. I remember when he was the young cute guy on SNL, so I felt a little old seeing him depicted as a middle-aged guy. Leslie Mann? Well, she certainly married well. She's guaranteed a role in every Apatow movie made. Though that's not such a great thing - I didn't like any of the women in this movie - all two of them. The female characters were just so flat and unsympathetic. Jason Schwartzman was in the movie - an interesting addition to the Apatow gang. Is he looking to branch out beyond the Wes Anderson circle, especially since the last couple of movies weren't so good? Final thought: I am just not very interested in watching home movies of the Apatow children.
Up - Finally saw it - this is the first movie I've taken the kids to. I thought it was sweet, touching, and a little sad. It was kind of intense in some parts -- this is really supposed to be a children's movie? I kept looking at Ben (8) & Bridge (6) to make sure they were OK. They were.
One of the best parts of Up for me: the picture that Ben drew of it afterwards. I really liked his carefully depicted balloons, and I LOVED how he included 4:15, the showtime we went to (we didn't see it in 3D though, so I'm not sure why he included that).

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