We went cherry picking yesterday! It was so fun. We drove out to the East Far East Bay, to Brentwood, which is on the other side of Mt. Diablo (side note: this means that now any time Sweetie makes reference to Brentwood, I can't say "I don't know what that is", which is my catchphrase when it comes to most towns in Contra Costa County). Sweetie picked the farm and he chose well, because this was a place where they pruned the trees so they stayed low so there were no ladders involved.
I loved it! I could have stayed out there all day. Like many things, I attribute this to my Polish peasant genes, since up until one generation ago my people were farming people.
Cherries! The pictures don't do them justice, but they were so beautiful, shining in the sun. I totally want to go to more U-Pick places now.

I suddenly have a craving to watch WITCHES OF EASTWICK.