92 days until we get married! Yikes, time is just flying. And so much to do! Much of the major stuff is done - the place, the dress, officiant, photographer, cake, bridesmaids gowns - but there are SO many other things left. Sweetie's suit, my shoes, flowers, flower girl dresses, the rings, music, favors, cake topper, centerpieces, deciding what to wear in my hair. LOTS of stuff. For the next three months it's all going to be Wedding, Wedding, Wedding.
Oh, and stamps! We got our invitations today, and we're so happy with them. They're so cute and they just set the perfect tone for the wedding. I want to mail them NOW, and not wait the recommended 6-8 weeks before the wedding.
OH! And I have three months to get all Buff Bride. Good start today - I worked out, and Sweetie made his yummy sweet potato/rice/chicken dish for dinner. The key is going to be to make healthy food at home and avoid eating out as much as possible.
Three months! I wish I could have gotten that cute Knot ticker to work on my Facebook page.
***Update*** I was just informed that No, the next three months are NOT going to be all Wedding, Wedding, Wedding. Hmm...I guess SOMEONE is reluctant to have this cut into our Scrabble tournament and quality TV watching time (we've still got PR Season 3 before Season 6 begins on 8/20 !).
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